View Full Version : Does Qt 4.4.0's TDS Engine support transaction and storage procedure's call

20th June 2008, 07:11
Does Qt 4.4.0's TDS Engine support transaction and storage procedure's
call. There is output parameter and returned recordset in the storage

for examples:
SQL Script:

declare @aaa float
set @aaa = 10.0
exec proc1 @aaa output

Qt Code:

QSqlQuery q;
q.prepare("exec proc1 ?");
q.bindValue(0, 0, QSql::Out);
double f = q.boundValue(0).toDouble(); // fetch the output parameter



20th June 2008, 19:03
stored procedure returned values and and recordsets are not fully supported, as the documentation states.

what driver and what dbms are you using?

20th June 2008, 19:25
Thanks for edited.

Qt 4.3.1's tds (connect mssql by db-library(ntwdblib.dll)) is not support transaction and store procedure's out params or returned recordsets.
I want to know the tds(mssql/ntwdblib.dll) of Qt 4.4.0's information about transaction and store procedure's out params.