View Full Version : Question about a model with multiple views

25th June 2008, 23:21
I have subclassed the QAbstractItemModel for a custom data structure and would like to utilize a splitter with a treeview and a tableview. I would like the treeview to only see the first column but the tableview to see all the columns. I looked at QSortFilterProxyModel but not sure if this is my answer. Will I need separate models to solve this problem?

25th June 2008, 23:30
Will I need separate models to solve this problem?
No, QSortFilterProxyModel is the answer.

25th June 2008, 23:33
QTreeView::setColumnHidden() is also a solution.

26th June 2008, 00:27
Thanks. My apologies for all these questions. I have a good C++ programming background but must admit after only working/learning Qt for about a month, it can be pretty overwhelming with its feature/function richness. On top of that, I only do this as a hobby as I find programming to be good mental exercise.

Again thanks for your quick replies.