View Full Version : QDesktopWidget

3rd July 2008, 13:31
I have a program running mostly on Solaris 10 with 4 monitors and 4 independent video cards causing me to have 4 individual desktops. So I use the QDesktopWidget to create certain windows on certain desktops since the user can't drag a window from one screen to another. However, sometimes I run this program remotely on a machine that has just one desktop. Whenever I run this remotely, I get a GLXBadCurrentWindow error when I attempt to create a window on a desktop that isn't desktop 0. Everything works and appears just fine, but my command line window shows me this error. Is there anyway to check and see how many desktops the displaying machine has rather than the running machine since in my case the running machine has 4 desktops but the displaying machine has only 1 desktop. Thanks!

Edit: Upon further investigation I noticed the QDesktopWidget was returning that I only had 1 screen so it knew my remote display was 1 screen and not the 4 screens on the running machine. However I was creating 2 different QDesktopWidgets so one window got one QWidget for its parent and the other 3 windows got a different QWidget for their parent. I have printed out the parents address in memory for all 4 windows and they all share the same parent, but the 2nd window I create still generates a GLXBadCurrentWindow error during its creation. The error occurs between a line calling

new Plot( ... ) and the very first line in the Plot's constructor. The error is occurring somewhere in the QGLWidget's constructor. Thanks for any further help anybody has!