View Full Version : DLL don't load libraries

9th July 2008, 08:13
Hello everybody, I've developped a Qt library (dll) whitch has 3 functions of connexion/close database and manipulation of data. When I want to test this dll and call it from another program, I can't connect to the database because the dll have not loaded the plugins of the connexion to the database (Ibase in my case). When I do

QStringList ActPathList = QCoreApplication::libraryPaths ();
qDebug() << ActPathList.join("-");

alwyas ActPathList is null.
I've tried to do the same in a WindowForm projet and it works fine. I've checked the dll projet properties but I've not found anything abnormal.
I will be very thankfull if anyone can tell me where I'm wrong and what I must to do to resolve this problem.
Best regards

9th July 2008, 20:13
Does this "another program" create QApplication or QCoreApplication instance?