View Full Version : #include problem in eclipse with qt4.4.0

13th July 2008, 07:55
I'm using eclipse with qt4.4.0.
I have set qt4.4.0 as my Window->Preferences->Qt

However, #include seems to be not working very well.

#include <QApplication> does not work (unresolved inclusion)
but #include <QtGui/QApplication> works.

Can anybody tell me why this is the case?
And how do I fix it?

Thanks =)

Holy Cheater
21st July 2008, 16:44
QT += gui in *.pro file?

5th August 2009, 03:31
hi, we have the same problem. im using Qt 4.5.2.

tried the "QT += gui" in my .pro but still it gives error in eclipse.

any ideas or suggestions on what to do?

5th August 2009, 04:04
i got it working.

when creating a new project choose Qt project instead of C++.

File > New > Project > Qt Gui Project