View Full Version : Maximize a particular widget on a dialog when double clicked on it

17th July 2008, 14:40
Hi friends i have a small problem i have a couple of tab widgets on a QDialog. I am trying to use mouseDoubleClickEvent to maximize the Tab Widget i have clicked on. But it does't work.

void Maxi_tab::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *Event)

I then came over a solution but i think there is a better way to do it. I am resizing the tab widget which i have double clicked on the QDialog.

void Maxi_tab::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *Event)
if childAt(Eventpos->pos() == frame)

This is what i tried to maximize the Tab Widget i wanted to miximize on a double click on the QDialog form. Can any one pls tell me a better way.

Thank You

17th July 2008, 14:42
Hide all widgets but the tab widget. Or set its parent temporarily to 0 and then show it full screen.