View Full Version : how to create something like widget box in qt designer

18th July 2008, 12:45

in our application called Orange (http://www.ailab.si/orange)we also have a set of widgets split into categories. We would like to have an interface to select these widgets which would be as similar as possible to Qt designer's Widget Box.


Do you have any idea how would I do this?

Thanks in advance for any help.

18th July 2008, 13:26
Is this not a QToolBox

18th July 2008, 13:37
a QToolBox is like a QTabWidget, but the tabs are 'above each other'.
See the Qt widget gallery for an example.

This looks like a QTreeView to me.
Probably the header items are painted differently with a custom delegate.

18th July 2008, 15:21
I already found a simple the solution.

If somebody else finds this widget box nice, here is how I do it:

1. I create a QDockWidget and put a QTreeWidget in it.
2. I set treeWidget.setRootIsDecorated(0)
3. Then I create a QTreeWidgetItem for each widget category and call
treeWidget.setItemWidget(item, 0, QPushButton("name", treeWidget))
4. I add widgets into each category by creating instances of QTreeWidgetItem.

Actually, instead of QPushButton I use MyPushButton, which is derived from QPushButton, in which I define mousePressEvent() using which I show or hide the widgets inside the category.

This is how the result looks like:


Quite similar to the Designer's gui, right.