View Full Version : QAxWidget hide other widgets in it's area

23rd July 2008, 06:31
I wrote this code : Playing Flash and displaying text on it.
It worked well in 4.3 but, I can't see the text in 4.4
It's like that QAxWidget make other widgets in it's area hide.

help me to display flash and text in same area.

QAxWidget *back = new QAxWidget(this);
back->setControl("{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000}"); // Flash Player
back->setProperty("Movie", QDir("test.swf").absolutePath());

QLabel *textLabel = new QLabel(text, this);

back->setGeometry(0, 0, 112, 57);
textLabel->setGeometry(0, 0, 112, 57);

27th July 2008, 15:56
First of all, I would recommend using layouts instead of hard coded geometries. Anyway, does it have any effect if you raise() the label? Alternatively you could create the label as child of the QAxWidget.