View Full Version : A problem about qmake in Qt 4.4

23rd July 2008, 15:24
Dear all:

I meet a problem about qmake. How to solve the problem between different version.
such as some API.h can work by using qmake in version 4.2.x, but not work in version
4.4.0. The error message will show not find the file.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated, thanks.


23rd July 2008, 16:52
Dear all:

I meet a problem about qmake. How to solve the problem between different version.
such as some API.h can work by using qmake in version 4.2.x, but not work in version
4.4.0. The error message will show not find the file.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated, thanks.


hi, if I understand you correctly:

try to write two bat files (for different versions of Qt) using content something like this:

set QTDIR=e:\opt\Qt\4.4.0
set PATH=e:\opt\Qt\4.4.0\bin
set PATH=%PATH%;e:\opt\01\libqxt\deploy\bin\
set PATH=%PATH%;e:\opt\MinGW\bin
set PATH=%PATH%;%SystemRoot%\System32
set QMAKESPEC=win32-g++

and swich them depending on the version of Qt you need

24th July 2008, 16:25
sorry, the problem is when I try to compile gt program by using qmake, it can not work.
for instance, the program is as following

and afte compile it shows the file qcontent.h not find.
however, if I use qtopiamake to compile it, it pass and work well. The version of qt I
used is 4.4.0. I don't know how to solve this problem, because I hope I can use qmake
to compile my program. even I use qt3to4, it still not work. Does there exist any way
to solve it. Thanks


24th July 2008, 17:19
Well, of course the header file cannot be found because it's not part of Qt... :) QContent (http://doc.trolltech.com/qtopia4.3/qcontent.html) is a Qtopia specific class.