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11th January 2006, 15:08

i'm new to qt programming. just dl the opensource edition. i use windows and i'm very interested if there is anything remotely like kdevelop for windows, or at the very least a good free editor.

second point:
i myself am very impressed with the quality documentation that came with qt, in the form of qt assistant:D . but i'm looking for an article about the underlying architecture of signal and slots. to what code the macros are translated, and what exactly is moc doing behind the scenes.

any help appreciated.

thanks a lot


11th January 2006, 16:44
I use Code::Blocks (http://www.codeblocks.org) myself in Windows. If you look on the forums on their site you can find tutorials to set it up to use Qt.

12th January 2006, 12:47
thanks corran.

just dl c::b and manage to run a couple of tutorials from qt assistant. works great.

as to my second question. anyone?

12th January 2006, 13:41

i'm new to qt programming.
just dl the opensource edition. i use windows and i'm very interested if there is anything remotely like kdevelop for windows, or at the very least a good free editor.

You can try to use DevC++ but is very far to KDevelop power.

second point:
i myself am very impressed with the quality documentation that came with qt, in the form of qt assistant:D . but i'm looking for an article about the underlying architecture of signal and slots. to what code the macros are translated, and what exactly is moc doing behind the scenes.

In the main page of Qt Documentation you can see the section Core Features. The first two links in this section are what you looking.

Bye and good QT Programming

12th January 2006, 15:57
If you really want to understand signal and slots mechanism the source code of moc is distributed along the open source edition...

12th January 2006, 16:27
just dl c::b and manage to run a couple of tutorials from qt assistant. works great.

How did you set c::b to work with Qt? I use qt 4.1 and MinGW on WINXP, but I can not set it to compile my appl. using "make" I did it, but c::b does not find header files... what do I have to link and where to link them (in Code::Blocks?

do you have to use #include <QtCore.h> or is it OK to use #include <QtCore>?


12th January 2006, 19:18
On the CodeBlocks forum I have found this thread (http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php/topic,615.0.html) which helped me, especially the last post.
The problem with the folders I have solved by editing the qt.cbp file in the templates dir changing the lines that look like this:
<Add directory="$QTDIR/include/Qt/QtGui"/>
<Add directory="$QTDIR/include/QtGui"/>
an so on for all lines under <compiler>. Now each time I start a new Qt project the compiler searches in the right directories.

12th January 2006, 23:08
Beside that I inserted some missing directories and now it is working... almost as good as I dreamed :)

Tnx for a fast and good reply! Problem is solved!
BTW: the link is not working (at least not at the moment)... But thanks anyway!


12th January 2006, 23:58
I once saw a page with a description of installing Qt support in Eclipse.org with CDT. Unfortunately I can't find the page now... The process was anyway described for the old Qt3 :)
PS. Thanks for the information about c::b. I got enough of vi...

14th January 2006, 09:34
Beside that I inserted some missing directories and now it is working... almost as good as I dreamed :)

Tnx for a fast and good reply! Problem is solved!
BTW: the link is not working (at least not at the moment)... But thanks anyway!

See a couple of workarounds to the lack of out of the box qt support of Code::Blocks.

17th January 2006, 08:08
I just downloaded code::blocks and it just works out of the box.

17th January 2006, 08:12
I just downloaded code::blocks and it just works out of the box.Have you tried to compile any files that need to be meta compiled first?
Edit: Judging from this post (http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/showpost.php?p=1324&postcount=27) you have the problems I thought you would ;)

17th January 2006, 08:22
Have you tried to compile any files that need to be meta compiled first?
Edit: Judging from this post (http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/showpost.php?p=1324&postcount=27) you have the problems I thought you would ;)

Don't know what meta compiled is.

Sometimes I get the error you saw , sometimes I don't.

The error happens in linking, so I can compile my application inside code::blocks and check for any errors, If I get the vtable reference error then I know I have to manually run qmake & mingw32-make

17th January 2006, 08:26
Just try the workaround (http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/showpost.php?p=1330&postcount=29) I gave you in that post, it works ;)
The meta compiling is what gives you all those moc something files

19th January 2006, 06:13
I use Visual C++ 2005 Express. C::B is decent, but it's code completion sucks and I hate looking up class members so good completion is an essential feature for me.

19th January 2006, 07:57
I use Visual C++ 2005 Express.With Qt 4.0? I think that only mingw is supported with open source edition. And you're right code completion is far from complete in Code::Blocks. Anyway the IDE to use is a matter of personal preference in most cases and the discussion could be endless.

19th January 2006, 08:54
With Qt 4.0? I think that only mingw is supported with open source edition.

Yes, with the free version of Qt. Under VSC++E, use the makefile project and you can use whatever compiler you specify.

31st January 2006, 10:42
just to say that one of yop's links was available only to registered members. You can find a kind of resumee here
I hope it helps.

31st January 2006, 20:02
Yes, with the free version of Qt. Under VSC++E, use the makefile project and you can use whatever compiler you specify.

Do you have perhaps the current patch for VSC++E?
I tried to download it from sourceforge, but it allways downloads a bad zip file(tried from a lot of mirrors), from which i can only extract two files (the bcc bat files).

It will be great if someone here could download it and post it here...


1st February 2006, 08:24

What i meant when i said "you can use whatever compiler you specify" was you can use whatever compiler you want for general C++ programming.

Specifically for Qt, i have tried the various msvc patches, but have not got them to work. For now i've given up and just use mingw (through VC++E) on windows.