View Full Version : Inserting QStandardItems to the child rows and columns in QStandardItemModel

23rd July 2008, 16:11
Hi all!
There is code which helps to build the tree (picturied lower)

#include <QtGui>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QStandardItemModel model(5, 3);

for (int nTopRow = 0; nTopRow < 5; ++nTopRow) {
QModelIndex index = model.index(nTopRow, 0);
model.setData(index, "item" + QString::number(nTopRow + 1));

model.insertRows(0, 4, index);
model.insertColumns(0, 3, index);
for (int nRow = 0; nRow < 4; ++nRow) {
for (int nCol = 0; nCol < 3; ++nCol) {
QString strPos = QString("%1,%2").arg(nRow).arg(nCol);
model.setData(model.index(nRow, nCol, index), strPos);

QTreeView treeView;

return app.exec();

My task is to insert QStandardItems in the child rows and columns.

void QStandardItemModel::setItem ( int row, int column, QStandardItem * item )
but but the model did not change the count of its rows and columns after new rows and colums have been inserted

do you have any ideas?
Thank you

23rd July 2008, 17:17
Where is your code calling setItem()?

23rd July 2008, 17:48
Where is your code calling setItem()?

I just tried to insert it, but have no ideas how to set the Items to the inserted rows