View Full Version : QTreeView + QListWidget checkboxes.How to see if returned index is checked/uncheched.

23rd July 2008, 18:12

Assume i have a QListWidget with 2 items an both have checkboxes.

//listWidget creation
QListWidgetItem* item1 = new QListWidgetItem (tr( "string1"));
item1->setCheckState ( Qt::Checked );
QListWidgetItem* item2 = new QListWidgetItem (tr( "string2 ));
item2->setCheckState ( Qt::Unchecked );

//and the below function must find if the selected index from the QListWidget is checked,and do something inside:

void function::check(const QModelIndex &index)
//what code should it be here???
//if checked do thing1
//if unchecked do thing2

I have to do the same thing with a QTreeView:
here's an exampe of the tree implementation:

QStandardItemModel *model::createTree( )
while ( ( condition ) )
QModelIndex index = model->index ( 0, 0 );
model->insertRow ( 0 );
if (condition==contition2)
model->setData ( index, someString);
model->setData ( index, Qt::Checked, Qt::CheckStateRole );
model->setData ( index, someString);
model->setData ( index, Qt::Unchecked, Qt::CheckStateRole );

//so i have a model with checked and unchecked checkboxes
//the tree gets the model with setModel and the i have to create a function that checks is the index is checked/unchecked:

void function::check(const QModelIndex &index)//the tree's index this time
//what code should it be here???
//if checked do thing1
//if unchecked do thing2

Could this be done the same way as the QListWidget or the implementation of the check function should be diffferent for those two occasions?


23rd July 2008, 18:21
try to look sideward QItemDelegate class, namely the item about Standard Roles and Data Types

23rd July 2008, 20:20

can you pass me an example that fits in the check function?

25th July 2008, 14:30
Use QAbstractItemModel::data() with Qt::CheckStateRole role - it contains the information whether a particular item is checked.