View Full Version : Where does qmake get the qt path?

1st August 2008, 12:13
The generated makefile by "qmake -makefile -spec win32-g++ ..." contains paths with back slashes to moc. MSYS doesn't work with that paths. In my PATH variable contains only slashes. So qmake doesn't read PATH.

My config is:
- Win2k
- MinGW

1st August 2008, 15:10

This question would be better suited in the beginner forum. The problem is that you are attempting to create a Windows project and it appears that your platform is Mac. Why are you not specifying '-spec macx-xcode' ?

1st August 2008, 15:23

This question would be better suited in the beginner forum. The problem is that you are attempting to create a Windows project and it appears that your platform is Mac. Why are you not specifying '-spec macx-xcode' ?Nice joke http://web2.macuser.de/forum/images/smilies/rotfl.gif
Nobody wrote about mac in this thread.

I told you my config. => Win2k, MinGW & MSYS.

I could translate my post in three other languages but you wouldn't understand it http://web2.macuser.de/forum/images/smilies/ina/hahaa26x19.gif

The time I travel by train I'm working on my mac. At my work I'm synchronising with Windows. My app has to run on Windows. Understood so far?

1st August 2008, 20:48
Do you really need MSYS?
Which exact version of Qt is this? Qt supports (or was supposed to support) MSYS since version 4.3.0.

1st August 2008, 21:49
Which exact version of Qt is this? Qt supports (or was supposed to support) MSYS since version 4.3.0.

Sorry, forgot to mention it. I'm using Qt 4.4

Do you really need MSYS?

Which shell should I use instead? Netbeans required a unix-like shell. Furthermore I can't use any os without a unix-like shell.

2nd August 2008, 02:08
I was really trying to be helpful. I replied as I did after noticing your profile indicated Mac OS. Was not aware of the packages you are using that appear to be some type of emulator. I tend to avoid emulation packages for good reasons. So, sorry I could not help.

2nd August 2008, 07:54
I've just added Windows in my profile ;)