View Full Version : using QwtPlotPicker without user interaction

5th August 2008, 09:42
Hi all.
One instance of my application can comunicate with other instances in a way of transfering data such as current ranges of QwtPlotScales and so on.

Right now I'm trying to implement such a function: user selects a picker in one instance (let's call it "source") and press (or hold) mouse button on Source's plot (tracker is on and coords and rubberband is shown), in that moment (event) Source sends pos() of picker to another instance (let's call it "target").

Target obtains pos() value and should show picker's rubberband and tracker's coords in same point (scales hbound and lbound of Target are the same as Source's ones).

I have tried to do this algorithm 1)begin() 2)move(pos()) 3)end() (I've moved their implemetation to "public:" ) but I have Segmentation val. right in the begining.

I want to know why I have such an error and how to get what I want in a right way =) because my method is ugly I know, but I can't think of any other methods in this moment

VERY big thanks for your answers beforehand

5th August 2008, 19:36
I have tried to do this algorithm 1)begin() 2)move(pos()) 3)end() (I've moved their implemetation to "public:" ) but I have Segmentation val. right in the begining.
Start the debugger and tell us more details.
