View Full Version : animating a toolbar??!?

30th March 2006, 17:21
Is it possible to animate the buttons of the toolbar on a mouse-hover event? eg.
1. like having the toolbar buttons magnifying the buttons and THEN displaying the tooltip below it?

2. Giving a special divit on the toolbar, which when clicked would "slide" or animate the toolbar out of view or reappear again?




1st April 2006, 00:28
Not out of the box. The first one should be easily implementable using additional widgets, the second one is harder, but still should be possible to implement without too much effort. Just use timers and repaint your widget with different frames of animation (for example using an intermediate Pixmap as painting base).

1st April 2006, 06:55
wysota wrote:
"The first one should be easily implementable using additional widgets, "

can you please elaborate...I know it is possible, the question is how????



1st April 2006, 06:57
Also if you look at the KDE panel it has a divit on the right side, which when pressed slides the panel out of view; and on pressing again makes it visible....

I wish to achieve something similar as my toolbar will be on the desktop!!


1st April 2006, 08:27
can you please elaborate...I know it is possible, the question is how????

Making a hover behaviour is easy by using appropriate events and the magnifing can be achieved by showing an additional widget (like a label) with the magnified image floating over the base one. I don't think there is much to explain here. You should just try it.