View Full Version : How to use "make -j" for Qt Applications?

19th August 2008, 10:51
Hi there! :)

I want to use all cores for compiling my application. How to do that with MinGW (Windows)?

At first, I got this error:

D:\Projekte\eclipse_workspace\uman\src>make -j 2
mingw32-make: Do not specify -j or --jobs if sh.exe is not available.
mingw32-make: Resetting make for single job mode.

If I use a proper shell (sh.exe), it just compiles - but with only one core.

Any ideas?

19th August 2008, 11:00
as I know mingw doesn't support this feature only gcc under *nix

16th August 2010, 17:58
So what do I have to add to my .pro file to make make run with more than one job,
i.e. how to tell qmake to run make -j? Hmmm?