View Full Version : Getting some unusual character

19th August 2008, 13:23
I have built an application in Qt 4.4.0. In this application I write C code and compile the same. For displaying error messages I have a result window (as shown in the fig.). This result window is a QListWidget. When the compilation is over, I get all the error messages in a QStringList and display the same on to the QListWidget, result.

But every time I do this, some peculiar character gets appended to the end of every line of the QStringList. It appears in the form of a small rectangle at the end of the line.

This is not a character generated by the compiler because if I add the same message to a file or to a QTextEdit, there is no character appended. This happens only with a QListWidget. Please let me know what actaully this character means and how to rectify, keeping my result window a QListWidget.

19th August 2008, 14:57
It's probably a linebreak, '\n'

21st August 2008, 06:28
But how exactly do I get rid of this character...
How should I avoid the display of this onto my QListWidget??