View Full Version : using QT in DllMain

19th August 2008, 14:57
Can anyone give me a sample solution where console msvs dll project uses some qt code lines to produce an output .

I have solved my task in console Qt Application. But I can not export it as a dll function return.

The common mistake is
C:\4.2.0\lib\QtCored4.dll : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x2F0

while console Qt application don't have any troubles.

20th August 2008, 13:06
The Problem is clear now.No Qt *.exe or *.dll can be launched from elsewhere except for the corresponding opened solution in visual studio.

So, my Qt installation troubles where not critical while I worked within a project.
How can I fix my Qt installation?

21st August 2008, 00:47
Maybe you have two sets of Qt libraries and only one works? Can you run Qt Assistant or other tools that come with Qt?

At least twice my Qt installation got corrupted, just as if my hard drive has lost the contents of Qt DLLs, and I had to recompile Qt.