View Full Version : mingwm10.dll

20th August 2008, 14:30
i have just installed Qt 4.4.1 on windows and I started creating some program in debug mode. but When i try to run the program after it was compiled it says "The application has failed to start because mingwm10.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem"
can someone help me plz

20th August 2008, 14:32
Copy that DLL to the directory where your executable is. You should be able to find it in MinGW's bin directory.

20th August 2008, 14:32
Add "C:\MinGW\bin" (or corresponding) to the PATH environment variable.

29th June 2010, 11:41
Is there a better way ?
I wouldn't like to take extra manual interventions as long as I don't need to do it in case a Visual Studio Project.

29th June 2010, 11:55
For your developing machine you can add this to the "Path" in "Environment Variables":

//notice the ; between the different Path's
//check the path to where did you installed Qt and Qt version

And for your clients use an installer to copy the application.exe and all the needed .dll files
You need at least two from MingW: libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and mingwm10.dll
you find these in the Qt_Install_dir\mingw\bin

and what you use from Qt it depends...
find in: Qt_Install_dir\qt\bin
Do not copy the ones from Qt_Install_dir\bin

Extra check if you copy the dll's, because if you build the Debug version of of your QtCore application it will use QtCored4.dll not QtCore4.dll (that will be used by the release version of your app) and so on... so careful what dll's you ship to client ;)

Vit Stepanek
29th June 2010, 13:59
I had the same problem, I use NetBeans with Qt.
There's no problem with the PATH variables, otherwise you couldn't compile.
I solved the problem by switching a Console Type property in Run properties tab to Output Window. I've no idea what's the problem, but now it works.

29th June 2010, 14:12
@Vit Stepanek, i think you had a different problem

I don't know about NetBeans (i never used it)
But with Qt Creator you can compile without the dll's in PATH, and you can even run the application from the IDE (Qt Creator)

Only when you start your application by double-click the .exe from Windows Explorer you need the dll's in Path or in the same folder with the .exe file.

Vit Stepanek
29th June 2010, 14:52
Yes, you're right. Sorry for a confusion.