View Full Version : XML issue

20th August 2008, 21:23
I'm currently using QT 4.3.0 on redhat 9.

I'm sub classing from QXmlDefaultHandler, and using the XMLSimple reader I get the following fatal exception thrown:

error triggered by consumer.

It gives a line number and a column number that relates to the close tag on the first line.

For example:


I've used other XML files that I know are correct, and have stripped everything out except for the begin and close tags like above

Now on a side note, we use QT 4.4.1 on windows. The software that I've developed previously on Windows uses the same XML classes and this is the first time that I've seen an issue.

Is there a bug with QT 4.3.0 that was fixed in QT 4.4.1?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

25th August 2008, 13:01
Shot in the dark: What happens if your .xml document starts with <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>?

If this fails, could you just post your code? It's hard to help otherwise...