View Full Version : QSA 1.2.2 compiling error with QBasicAtomic

26th August 2008, 16:36
when I try to make QSA 1.2.2, it reports `QBasicAtomic' does not name a type then exits. I check the qsobject.h file and find this "QBasicAtomic ref" on Line 85.
The headers file included in qsobject.h are:
#include "qsglobal.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QSharedData>

QBasicAtomic Struct is in qatomic_parisc.h file but already in QT path. Can anyone know what's going on here?

27th January 2009, 10:17
Dear llcwzg!

I have had the same problem, while I was compiling QSA.
I have tried to find QBasicAtomic in the Qt source, but I have found only QBasicAtomicInt and QBasicAtomicPointer classes.

So I tried to change QBasicAtomic to QBasicAtomicInt and it compiled successfully!

So my solution: In qsobject.h I have changed QBasicAtomic to QBasicAtomicInt.


27th January 2009, 14:39
QtScript was introduced in Qt 4.3. See Moving from QSA to Qt Script.