View Full Version : Memory leaks..

28th August 2008, 07:13
Has anyone run Qt with BoundsChecker or some such memory leak checker? There
are lots of memory not freed at the end of the program, and this also
happens with the example programs. It may be that these leaks are not really
leaks, but just memory that is not freed at the end of the program, but it
sure looks ugly. =) I think there should be some way to free these memory
blocks properly.

28th August 2008, 13:58
Qt doesn't contain memory leaks. If you experience leaks, they are either from your application or from 3rd party libraries or false positives.

28th August 2008, 19:28
Qt make extensive use of global static objects under the hoods that may be destroyed (and free their memory) after the memory checking tool starts monitoring alloc/free operations so which can generate a bunch of fals-positives.