View Full Version : Fop MiniScribus XSL-Fo release 2.0 beta

1st September 2008, 08:46
I release MiniScribus Scribe version 2.0.0 beta

Its a forks ( complete new rewritten) from version 1.03

XSL Formatting Objects markup language WYSIWYG editor (xsl-fo). XML document formatting which is most often used to generate PDFs.

Know format only read:
OpenOffice 1.1 file format *.sxw *.stw
OpenOffice 2.4 file format *.odt *.ott
As import xslt transform
XHTML file format *.htm *.html

Read and write format:
FOP file .fop *.fop.gz *.fo *.fo.gz *.xml
MiniScribus binary stream file *.page
Internal binary format to not loast nothing on beta tester is a QTextDocument serializer

PDF BookMark is render only on Apache FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) major as 0.90

Try it a document contains PDF BookMark http://fop-miniscribus.googlecode.com/files/bookmarktestwrite.pdf 18Kb. edit on WYSIWYG modus

A QTextEditor QWidget similar page by page is avaiable on SVN
much tanks to Luis http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/u-netuno-7350.html that help me to realise this fork projekt..

Know Bug: Render or display more as 5-6 page QTextDocument dont have performance to render and play it fast. Solution; slice/chapter your page and compose xsl-fo source to a book or more as 100 pages and render on Apache FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) to create professional PDF page

Other Info by:
http://code.google.com/p/fop-miniscribus/ or http://www.qt-apps.org/content/show.php/Fop+MiniScribus+XSL-Fo?content=67552
