View Full Version : Does a parent widget receive a method call or signal when its widgets are created or

2nd September 2008, 19:43

Is there a virtual method or a signal that a widget receives when a new widget is created or displayed that uses the first as its parent?

For example, I have widget foo, then create a new QWidget bar(foo), so foo is bar's parent. I want foo to do something to bar when bar is created or shown.

Actually, I'm specifically interested in QDialogs as children of a parent widget.

Does this make sense? Does anyone have any ideas?



2nd September 2008, 19:46
Any QObject receives an event of type QEvent::ChildAdded when a child gets added.

2nd September 2008, 21:50
Aha, this may be what I need.... will try it.

(I'm doing something slightly weird :) )


3rd September 2008, 14:15
In the QObject docs it says

"In both cases you can only rely on the child being a QObject (or, if QObject::isWidgetType() returns true, a QWidget). This is because in the QEvent::ChildAdded case the child is not yet fully constructed; in the QEvent::ChildRemoved case it might have already been destructed."

I'm guessing this is because childAdded() is called by the child's constructor? If so, can I save a pointer to the child, and emit a signal, and then safely access the child widget in the slot for the signal (i.e. when does Qt's next process pending signals)?

3rd September 2008, 14:19
At least if you make the connection explicitly queued, then the object has been fully constructed once the slot fires.

3rd September 2008, 14:23
And, should I use installEventFilter() instead of overriding the childEvent() method in my class?

3rd September 2008, 14:27
At least if you make the connection explicitly queued, then the object has been fully constructed once the slot fires.

::going off to read about queued connections::