View Full Version : qmake with mingw

7th September 2008, 19:05
I installed qt for windows xp and tried to make a simple executable based on a simple example and works fine.

But then I installed ms visualc++ 6 and when I try to compile the same example it doesn't work anymore. It seems that "make" is now trying to compile trought visualc compiler and not mingw. Is there any make option or command that force "make" compile
using mingw ?

7th September 2008, 21:14
Set the QMAKESPEC environment variable to "win32-g++" or better use the "Qt Command Prompt" (you can find a link in the start menu).

7th September 2008, 21:24
I am already using the qt command prompt, I dont know how to set the qmakespec variable to the mingw compiler

12th September 2008, 23:06
Qt Command prompt should set it for you. You can check its value by typing:

13th September 2008, 00:25
I've solved my problem by moving my project directory from c:\qt\4.4.1\exemplos to
other directory location, for example c:\qt4examples. This has got to be the stupid error.
The error I get is in the print screen file attch, if you want to see.

By the way I've checked QMAKESPEC and it's Ok.

13th September 2008, 13:01
Probably you should get rid of LIB and INCLUDE environment variables set by MSVC.