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View Full Version : why QAbstractitemmodel error on Qt4.1.1?

3rd April 2006, 11:04
My App using Qt4.0.0. This run don't error but I build with Qt4.1.1 or Qt4.1.2 then my App have an error.

ASSERT: "last >= first" in file kernel\qabstractitemmodel.cpp, line 1792
I want insert image on here but i don't understand that.

3rd April 2006, 13:48
Show the code.

3rd April 2006, 23:34
I'm experiencing the same assertion message while trying to display the contents of folder using QDirModel/QTreeView. That message wasn't there with QT4.0.0.

Seems to me that there is some bug in QT, but I was unable to create some code snippet which would provide a stable scenario of reproducing this problem. If you can come up with some code snippet that showcases this problem, I will be very grateful.