View Full Version : Swap the Image Buffer - QPixmap - Display 3d data

21st September 2008, 20:57

I´m a newbee in QT (and feel like "in explaining problems in english" also;-)

I got an csv-file representing some values to generate an image. Its a kind of self-made 3d data set in this csv file. I need to display different slices through this 3d data.

I thought about to
1. input an double (as kind of Z-Value in my volume data) to specified the slice
2. go into the csv file and generate an image by interpolating the csv-values.
3. display this image like the QPicture is displayed in the "4000 chip"-example of QT4.4 assistant.

This will be realy time consuming i think.
But to keep it simple, i don´t want to use any OpenGl routines - newbee too :-)

So to accelerate this "walking through slider"-function, which i don´t need so often, i thought about some kind of "preloading the next step" while watching the actual image.

I hope you understand the scenario. The maximum size of the images is 800x600px

My question:
Is there any "swap"-funktion in QT for the preloaded, buffered image in QT?
Would be fabulous, if you know an QT-Assistant example, where a similar topic is shown.

Please stop me on this donkey-way, if you think that i´m on it, and if there is an already made up solution deep in the thousends of QT routines.

Thanx a lot in advance.

28th September 2008, 22:05
Maybe you need VTK (http://www.vtk.org/)?

29th September 2008, 00:08
Maybe -I already thought about it.

But i started to try out some opengl stuff.
More ore less only the HelloGL example.
I can compile and run, but it crashes imediatly.

How can i check for proper OpenGL installation?

ATI Driver sais - all fine.
I´m able to execute Nate Robin examples. Does this realy needs OpenGL support? Or is it just to learn OpenGl?

So... how can i check it? Thanx in advance