View Full Version : [Qt3] Two QListviews - VerticalScrollBar Sync Problems

25th September 2008, 11:18

I have a problem with Scrollbars in a QListView.
I have two listviews next to each other, both containing a set of items with the same text at column 0.

I want the scrollbars to be in sync with each other.
I have connected the signal: value() and slot: setValue() of both vscrollbars with each other.

It seems to work fine if the scrollbar is slided, then the other one goes also to the same position.

But the sync will not work if an item is expanded/collapsed.

Does anyone know what's wrong here, or am i missing something in my code.

I have attached a sample project.
I am using Qt 3.3.4 by the way.

screenshot: http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd295/BrainB0ne/Qt%20Centre/synccolumns.jpg