View Full Version : How to get current row(column) index in the QTextTable?

4th April 2006, 02:30
How to get current row(column) index in the QTextTable?

i'll be remove current row(column), i found removeRows/removeColumns function to do this, but not found any method to get current row/column index?

how to do it?

4th April 2006, 09:12
What exactly do you mean by "current" row in this context? There is QTextTableCell cellAt ( const QTextCursor & cursor ) const. Maybe that's what you're after?

5th April 2006, 06:20
Current row means, currently, the cursor is in the row of the table.

I have seen the function cellAt ( const QTextCursor & cursor ), But where is parameter cursor from? How can I get it?

5th April 2006, 07:53
QTextEdit::textCursor(), I guess...