View Full Version : how to make Subplots using only Qt&Qwt.

Amrita Singh
29th September 2008, 12:25
hi every one

using Qwt i have drawn multiple windows that plot the data in real time but my concern is how to make these individual plots part of a single parent window or make them subplots of main window?Is passing window as QWidget to the main window possible .i have tried but it doesnt take.

can someone suggest how to achieve subplots using Qt n Qwt..

Awaitng replies members

29th September 2008, 18:37
May a layout say girdlayout and put them in it. QwtPlot is a widget too.

Amrita Singh
1st October 2008, 07:31
hi travis

u may be right,instead of going for QGridLayout and placing a Qwtplot.it is better to go for QwtplotLayout.

Amrita Singh