View Full Version : connecting child to parent window...

7th October 2008, 08:35
Hi all,
I am working on a application in which the mainwindow is a Qapplication->Qwidget .in that app, toolbars are there, on different toolbar buttons(actions in my case) slots are implemented.these slots in turn launches Qdialogs.This all works fine.my problem is that these Qdialogs, we will call it child ,and my app, we will call it parent, are not connected to each other.connected in the sense,i want the child should be part of the main window not a seperate window.Consider this case:
I have launched parent and child and minimized both to see some other thing on my desktop, when I do ALT+TAB and go to child window main window should also get maximized which is not happening.I tried to set the Window Modality,it does not work...so how can I say to mainwindow or child window that "guys, always remain connected" ....:rolleyes:
Any tips in this is regard worth helpful........

19th October 2008, 21:28
Shouldn't those "children" be tool windows then?