View Full Version : qDebug() on OSX

7th October 2008, 09:01
Hi All,

I am trying to debug a program using qDebug. It works fine on Windows and Linux, but I get no output on OSX (using Qt4.4.0).

I have tried everything I can think of, but no luck.

I started the program directly from the terminal ("./program.app/Contents/MacOS/program") and using open ("open ./program.app"), I've check that QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT is not defined.

I've run out of ideas to try :-(

7th October 2008, 17:14
Have you tried using qInstallMsgHandler as in this example (http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2001-10/msg00313.html#msg00368)? This technique worked for me on Windows when I re-directed output to a file.