View Full Version : C++0x

8th October 2008, 06:31
Well since C++0x is getting better by the day. I was wondering, will Qt fully go into the C++0x or will it stay the same?

Like GCC-4.4.0 will have static enums. I been playing with it. And alot of code is being trouble some because I have a enum with one and then it complains about another (mainly enums). But other things too. Well I know Qt won't do it atleast until all the platforms compilers support C++0x. And the way it looks like it won't be til 2010 because Microsoft won't update the compiler with C++0x until it finishes. And while GCC continues to improve their compiler with it release by release. This is why commerical products suck.

8th October 2008, 07:57
I think it is unlikely we will see support for this standard any time soon. Based on the fact that Qt still tries to support VC6 and only recently decided to drop the support, many years will pass before they decide to drop all currently used compilers. I wouldn't expect support for C++0x earlier than in Qt 5.0 and that's being very optimistic :)