View Full Version : Deploy Qt project

9th October 2008, 05:31
I have created a project with several Dlls. I can successfully build all the project. TO build i am using Visual Studio 2008(vcbuild command). After building when i deploy it in freshly ghosted system, the software is asking for some QT related Dlls like QtWebkit4.dll, QtCore4.dll, QtGui4.dll etc.

So is there any way to compile, so that i can deploy without these files in my MSi????
In other words my Msi shouldn't contain Qt distributed dlls.

Thank You

9th October 2008, 06:59

These DLLs will be available in the Qt folder where you installed..


9th October 2008, 09:23
yes that i know... but i dont want to include that....
Since i am using some part of Qt Dlls , i dont want to keep whole dlls in my Msi....

9th October 2008, 19:39
Static linking is the key.
This should help in the *.pro file:
CONFIG += static