View Full Version : Problem with bitBlt

5th April 2006, 13:11
Hi !

I have a widget for playing animations (an animation is constituted of many PNG or JPG files) an something strange occured in the paintEvent function of my widget, I simply do :

void CAnimation::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
if( this->isShown )
QPixmap pixmap(images[imageCurrentIndex]);
QRect rect(event->rect());
bitBlt(this, rect.topLeft(), &pixmap);

images and imageNames are defined as follow :

QStringList imageNames;
QMap <int, QPixmap>images;

and initialised like this :

int CAnimation::setImageNames(QStringList values)
// Update property
this->imageNames = values;

// Load images
int index = 0;
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = imageNames.begin(); it != imageNames.end(); ++it )
images[index] = QPixmap(*it);

return 0;

So, here is my problem : when my animation contains more than a specific number of images I have the following debug trace and the image is not displayed :

ASSERT: "src_dc && dst_dc" in kernel\qpaintdevice_win.cpp (388)
... in fact when I have an animation with more than 165 images, each time I'm trying to display the image of index greather than 166 I have this problem.

I first thought my last images were bugged but I did the following test : I just load images from index 100 to 175 (my animation has 175 images) and this time I do not have the problem and my last images are correctly displayed.

Isn't it a problem of memory ? How could I correct this (allocation more memory for my application for example).

Thanks in advance.

5th April 2006, 14:08
I've tried another solution, instead of pre loading all images, I just load the image before drawing it. It's not optimized in term of CPU load but the problem is solved ... in fact I think the source of the problem was the number of images to manage in memory.