View Full Version : QImage::scaled() error in Qt4/e

6th April 2006, 05:07
In Qt/e 4.0.0 b2 open source version, I employ QImage::scaled() to scale the image to the specified width and height, but the complier tell me this:
no matching function for call to 'QImage::scaledToHeight(int &, Qt::TransformationMode)'

When I use scaled() and other scaledToWidth(), it also give the error.

whether this version Qt will not provide the image function?

6th April 2006, 08:26
Seems like the integer parameter that you're passing is not valid. Could it be because you are passing a reference to an int not strictly an int?
From the docs:

QImage scaledToHeight ( int height, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation ) const
look at the int parameter...

Could you post some code to see where and how you call the function?

7th April 2006, 06:15
Yes, in this version, the QImage class declare as below:
inline QImage scale( ........)
QImage scale(const QSize,......)

this function is not here by default, and the embedded version include some macro for compiling, and some capbilities should be switch on by compiling macros.