View Full Version : Mouse Leave and Tab Key event in Delegate

30th October 2008, 19:04

I need 2 things:
1. When Mouse leaves my view (it's standard view or made by some1 else so i have to treat it as QAbstractItemView and can't change it) i have to repaint the Item where the mouse was before leaving. That's quite easy as i can set WA_Hover attribute to the view. But i also need to set some data to the model in given index in paint() method. But i can't as the index.model() gives me const QAbstractItemModel* so i can't use setData(). Is there any what to solve that problem?

2. As I'm drawing some buttons with delegate paint() method using QApplication::style()->drawControl() I want to implement changing focus with pressing Tab key. I would like to get Tab key pressed event in editorEvent() as i can access there to the model when I keep there some attributes of my "widgets". I'm getting only events caused by "normal" key (characters). How can i get other keys like Tab or Enter?
