View Full Version : Deploymnet on windwos Xp

8th November 2008, 06:56
I have bundled all the files (exe an Qt libraries) by menas of an installer (Innosetup).
Now on my computer (which has the qt libraries installed) I can nicely run the application without any problems.
But: If I install the package on another pc (without qt libraries) a strange segmentation faul is fired (I think it is a seg fault, because windows just say "this application cause an exception....).
My package uses Sqlite.
After the installation I can see in the installation folder all the files (exe and Qt libraries).
Please help

8th November 2008, 07:19
with the dependency walker, I discovered that
1) msjava.dll is missing
2) qtnetwork is missing.
But i never used qtnetwork!!!
Please help

8th November 2008, 15:57
The problem is QSQLITE: I have to install also the sqldrivers.
In particular I have to add, beside QSqlite4.dll, also qsqlite4.dll found in the sqldrivers plug-ing dir of Qt.
But I do not understand why I should do this. Why these are different dll? And why they are needed both?

15th November 2008, 10:43
Hi I'm having the same problems. Could You please give me a list of .dll files one needs to include in order get my app up and running. My application dies when it tries to create a databaseconnection, it fails due to the lack of sqlite on the target system (I made a function listing the drivers available on the system and QSqlite is missing ). I have tried adding the qsqlited4.dll and the qsqlite4.dll (my app is still in debug). Sorry for beaing so lame :)

Ok i got it running the qsqlite.dll needs to be an folder named sqldrivers. And all is fine :cool:

1st December 2008, 23:25
Yeah I also had the same problem and didn't figure it out until I read this:

At least you got an error message - with phonon it fails silently!

2nd December 2008, 07:36
This is a very useful tool Dependency Walker.com (http://www.dependencywalker.com/)

6th December 2008, 00:09
But i never used qtnetwork!!!

You probably used a part of Qt that depends on qtnetwork. I have written an application that, by itself, doesn't use qtnetwork, but it uses qtwebkit, and that in turn seems to depend on qtnetwork.

The aforementioned Dependency Walker is a great tool to figure out what libraries an application requires. I always use it for determining what I have to package.