View Full Version : Complex button contents

10th November 2008, 00:22
Hello. I'm trying to subclass QPushButton to contain arbitrary contents. My first attempt looks a bit like this:

ComplexButton::ComplexButton (QWidget *parent) : QPushButton(Parent) {

QVBoxLayout l = new QVBoxLayout();
l->addWidget(new Foo(this));
l->addWidget(new Bar(this));
l->addWidget(new Baz(this));


Unfortunately the button is a minimal size and the contents are squashed. I tried putting the QVBoxLayout in a generic QWidget and adding the line

Which at least made the button big enough for the contents.

But that still isn't what I want! :o

I want the buttons to expand their width to fill their parent, causing the parent to widen if necessary. This would happen automatically if I hadn't subclassed QPushButton but merely put a long string in it. I can't recreate that behaviour for love nor money. I've been playing around with the size policy but that hasn't helped and I don't readlly understand it. I imagine the trick is with QPushButton's default layout which I'm replacing, but calling layout() returns a null pointer, and now I'm thoroughly confused.

To sum up: I want a subclass of QPushButton with an arbitrary widget as contents and a space-filling width behaviour.

Clue, please? Cheers.

10th November 2008, 07:09
have you tried calling adjustSize on the button?
(Might be of course that QPushButton did not expect to be subclassed in this way.)

11th November 2008, 02:03
and does size policy work?

11th November 2008, 15:17
I've tried guessing some sizePolicy code, nothing worked.