View Full Version : update custom QStyledItemDelegate after drag

17th November 2008, 09:32
Howdy folks,

I've been having a problem with a custom delegate which is based on QStyledItemDelegate. The delegate is connected to a QListView that is connected to a QSortFilterProxyModel (used for filtering), which is in turn connected to a QStandardItemModel. When i drag items from the list, the listView is not updated.

The problem is that a QTreeView and it's custom QStyledItemDelegate DO update when items are dragged away. -> Both the QListView and the QTreeView are connected to a QItemSelectionModel, which is connected to the QSortFilterProxyModel in order to keep track of selections.

Could there be an event that should be handled that i'm missing ?

17th November 2008, 18:29
Could we see some code?