View Full Version : dynamic signal connecting

18th November 2008, 07:34

I have two kind of classes. I use them for dynamically creating of objects at runtime.
The first one is a QWidget template for the GUI (which holds many widgets), the second one is a simple object(which holds the whole logic/functionality).

After creating this pair dynamically at runtime I want to connect each signal from classA to the slots of classB and vise versa.
It is possible that I create many instances of these two classes ( = many pair connections)!

Pair1ClassA <----->Pair1ClassB
Pair2ClassA<------>Pair2ClassB .... etc..

When the user clicks sth. on Pair1ClassAInstance the slot of Pair1ClassBInstance must be called and the same with the other instances...

Do I need to use the "Dynamic signals and slots" described here
http://doc.trolltech.com/qq/qq16-dynamicqobject.html ?

Or is there another, better workaround?

Something like:
Connecting two objects and storing this connection somewhere and after that connecting another pair...etc...

The signals are availalbe in the Classes( no need to create them at runtime).
The slots too...just connecting at runtime...

18th November 2008, 07:41
Can't you use connect()?

18th November 2008, 09:10
Can't you use connect()?

I tried it but somehow its not working when I create a second pair.

With the first created pair the connection works...I click sth on the gui..the object of ClassB receives it. After that It emits a "IT WORKS!" back to the GUI. Fine!

But when i create a second pair and connect them the same way the problem appears!
I click on the first-pairs GUI (QWidget) on the same button like before, the message "IT WORKS!" doesnt appear on the screen of "first-pair". It appears on the newly created one "second pair".

While connecting I checked the adresses of both. They are different!

What could be the problem?

18th November 2008, 10:44
Can we see some code?

19th November 2008, 09:58
problem is solved now.
i made a stupid mistake while setting the information at the destination widget.