View Full Version : Visual Assist X [1649] & QT 4.4.3

18th November 2008, 09:13
Hi all

I am having problems enabling Visual Assist to work with QT 4.4.3
I tried adding the headers and src to VA custom directories, in all possible combination
It does not work, can any one tell me in detail, how to add these directories to VA.
I am using commercial version of QT.


19th November 2008, 03:42
I'm using VA with Qt 4.4.1 open source version. If the directory structure hasn't changed between 4.4.1 and 4.4.3, here's what to do.

In VS, Tools|Options|Projects and Solution|VC++ Directories make these additions to the Win32 Platform Include files:

In VA Options, change platform from Custom back to Win32.

Close any open solutions.
Open a solution that uses Qt and VA should begin parsing Qt headers.

19th November 2008, 08:17
Hey thanks Sean, It works this way !!!