View Full Version : A Qt application and a non-Qt application

19th November 2008, 10:40
Hi, I´m designing an API interface which will be used from a client application. This api has been implemented using Qt.

Is it possible to use the qt event loop in the same thread in where is running a non-qt gui?

Thanks in advance.

19th November 2008, 11:31
(At least) I don't quite follow what you mean.
Can you explain a bit more or give an example to what it is you want to do?

19th November 2008, 13:41
I have a software made using qt and anyone could build a gui client (using any gui library, not necessary Qt) which uses the functionality of my software.

Since the client could be a non-qt gui I don´t know if that library uses a similar structure to qt event loop. In that case, I suppose that my event loop won´t work because the other loop is running and my signals and slots will become unusable.

Sorry for my bad english.

19th November 2008, 13:52
Signals and slots do not need an event loop (unless they are queued).

But you are right, if you use those things of Qt that require an event loop, then you will need to integrate the two.
E.g. see http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2006/02/24/qt-and-glib/