View Full Version : QxtCheckComboBox: Application terminates as soon as an instance is created

21st November 2008, 09:04
Hi there

I am trying to use the QxtCheckComboBox from the Qxt library. I've succesfully compiled only the qxtcore and qxtgui libs since I only want to use QxtCheckComboBox for now.

Following the instructions on the Qxt website, I've added the following to my .pro file:

CONFIG += qxt
QXT += core gui

Doing only this, and adding the following #include <QxtCheckComboBox > does not work in my case. Thus, I've also added the following and just included the class header:

INCLUDEPATH += D:\Software\Programming\Libraries\libqxt-0.4\src\core\
LIBS += D:\Software\Programming\Libraries\libqxt-0.4\deploy\libs\libQxtCored.a \

I then create an instance of the object like this:

QxtCheckComboBox* comboItems = new QxtCheckComboBox();

Doing this compiles fine with no warning messages, but the application does not launch and I get a message like this:

Data_Testing.exe exited with code -1073741515

Also, the debugger freezes and I don't have a clue why it is happening.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.