View Full Version : send OS signals to apps on all platforms

21st November 2008, 19:14
In unix I can do kill <signal> <process> to send a specific signal to an application, is there any Qt tools for doing this on both *nix/windows/mac?

Or, is there a way to do this in unix only? I find a lot of un-related stuff when googling on "signal" in combination with Qt ;)

21st November 2008, 20:39
On Unix use kill(). What more would you want?

21st November 2008, 20:58
Well, if I'd do kill -USR1 <processid> (i think it was called USR1) and I want my program to do something special, like maximizing the window, or something else except killing the program?

21st November 2008, 22:00
Type in "man 2 kill".