View Full Version : resize qtabbar tab

27th November 2008, 08:06
i am using QTabBar, How to set the size of each tab.


27th November 2008, 12:28
I haven't done this by I would try the following things:
1. reimplementing sizeHint() as it is recommended in the docs.
2. play with the tabs layout properties.
3. play with tabs geometry (derived from QWidget)

1st December 2008, 14:29
using stylesheet somehow its possible to resize tab size, but it doesnt meet all. So
i tried with tabsizehint and paintevent, but couldnt figured out...
my each tab will look like a rectangle shape.......like
QPoint(60, 0),
QPoint(150, 0),
QPoint(160, 35),
QPoint(70, 35),
QPoint(60, 0)

plz, any help is appreciating....this task spinning me.....:crying: