View Full Version : How to set color for QGroupBox Title

4th December 2008, 01:16
I want to set color for GroupBox Title, just for title, not whole background.
How can I do that?

Thanks & Regards,

4th December 2008, 02:52
I don't know if it will work, but have you tried using HTML (rich text) to specify the group box title?

4th December 2008, 05:45
Change the palette for the groupbox ( Window Text)

4th December 2008, 17:17
Or try style sheets...

4th December 2008, 17:39
I tried using HTML tags in setTitle. But it didn't help.
Also tried by changing palette for window text from designer. It is changing color to all the widgets inside the GroupBox.
I just need to change the color for Groupbox title.
I don't know how to use style sheets. Can you give me hint on how to use?

Thanks & Regards,

4th December 2008, 17:50
I don't know how to use style sheets. Can you give me hint on how to use?
Launch Qt Assistant and write "style sheets" to the Index-tab.