View Full Version : Is there any QT function or class to find the free space on disk

4th December 2008, 06:07

Im not getting any QT function or class,which can give the information about free space in the disk(I got the disk list by QDir::drives).
In windows i can use getFreeDiskSpace.But i want any QT func or class to do the same.


4th December 2008, 06:34
I wonder if there is any Qt specific way of finding this out. One way you can do this is by finding the difference between the size of the drive and the sum of size of all the files on that drive.

4th December 2008, 17:50
No, there is no Qt function to do that. Here's a quick draft I made some time ago:

svn export svn://libqxt.org/svn/libqxt/sandbox/jpnurmi/QxtFileSystemInfo