View Full Version : setting the flow while the list is visible causes the items to be laid out again?

10th April 2006, 18:41
Hi, I have a question about the flow property of a QListView. From the docs, refering to the flow property:

Setting this property when the view is visible will cause the items to be laid out again.
What does it means? Maybe that the items can vary their position?

10th April 2006, 18:49
It means that the position for each item is re-calculated, which is quite natural as the lay out direction changes.. :)

10th April 2006, 18:51
It means that the position for each item is re-calculated, which is quite natural as the lay out direction changes.. :)

So, it means that the order (row posiition) of the items may change?

10th April 2006, 19:04
I don't think so. It's just the view's layout direction which changes. The model is most probably not touched.