View Full Version : QThread locks my gui ??

5th December 2008, 09:22
Hello friends,

When I click my Gui B button it starts a QThread.

class CheckFile : public QThread
//************************************************** ************************
CheckFile(const QString &p_inFile,
const QString &p_notInsertedFile,
QObject* parent = 0);
virtual ~CheckFile() { }
public slots:
void run();
QString qstr_inFile;
QString qstr_notInsertedFile;
private slots:

void setText(const QString &);


in the implementation I parse a file and emit for every line a settext like this

void CheckFile::run()
QString str;
emit setText(str);

In the Slot function for my button clicked event I declare my connection for the Thread :

connect(thr_CheckFile, SIGNAL(setText(const QString& )), bodyEdit, SLOT(append(const QString&)));

after the text are append to my Qtextedit in my gui my window freeze that means I can not do anything and the memory using grows up

Any Suggestions ??

5th December 2008, 09:36

How do you start the QThread?

5th December 2008, 09:42
Like this:

thr_CheckFile = new CheckFile(selectedItemFile,

connect(thr_CheckFile, SIGNAL(setText(const QString& )), bodyEdit, SLOT(append(const QString&)));

5th December 2008, 09:48

Maybe the SLOT "append" is reciving too much data every time the SIGNAL is emmited.
Try using a QString variable and append the data into it. When the QThread finish you can set the text to the QTextEdit.

5th December 2008, 09:53
Hmm I think I am not sure if I understand you.

I use a QString as parameter.... ?????

5th December 2008, 09:58

connect(thr_CheckFile, SIGNAL(setText(const QString&)), this, SLOT(appendString(const QString&)));

//Connect the Thread Finished signal
connect(thr_CheckFile, SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(threadFinished())));

void yourClass::appendString(const QString& qString)
//QString m_qString; //Declared on yourClass
void yourClass::threadFinished()
//When the Thread is finished we have all the data that want to show to QTextEdit

Something like this maybe will help you.

5th December 2008, 13:08
Ok thank you....

but I think I have to implement a Progressbar for big files ... ;O)))

8th December 2008, 17:44

I'm not an expert in Qt multi-threading but I think your problem comes from your connect() parameters. You try to send a signal from one thread to the gui's one, this can be dangerous if you don't take care of it.

When you send a signal from a thread to an other, try to use something like this :

connect(thr_CheckFile, SIGNAL(setText(const QString&)), this, SLOT(appendString(const QString&)), Qt::QueuedConnection);

This will post the signal in the signal queue of the gui thread, and then, thread will manage it later as any other event from the GUI.

I already had the same problem as you, where a thread sends some signals to the gui in order to make a progress bar raise, with the Qt::QueuedConnection it's works fine. A piece of advice : I had some stange troubles with the connect() function when I used it in a thread, now I always specify the fifth parameters in this case (even if the default should work) and I don't have any surprises anymore.

I hope it can solve the locks of your GUI.

8th December 2008, 19:53
You don't need to use any threads here, use QProgressDialog or something similar.